YDT İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular Testi-5

1. - 5. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

1) (I) In a study called ‘Food Art Does Not Reflect Reality’, researchers from Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab analysed American and European paintings of family meals between the years 1500 and 2000. (II) The study compared how frequently a food item was depicted in art with how commonly it was consumed. (III) Drawings in cappuccino foam and artfully-staged overstuffed hamburgers, for instance, showed that social media is an endless feed for food. (IV) Although lobster, hazelnuts and lemons were quite rare, they were particularly popular. (V) This art, they discovered, was used to show off wealth or talent than to display the food actually eaten

2) (I) It might not be a comforting thought for most people that spiders can hear you when you arrive home. (II) Most spiders are perfectly harmless, but they still manage to frighten people. (III) Recently, a type of jumping spider, Phidippus audax, has been studied and the discovery made about its sense of hearing is surprising. (IV) It had been thought to rely almost completely on sight and the vibrations it feels through objects. (V) But microelectrodes implanted in the spiders’ brains showed that their neurons responded to sounds such as chairs scraping and people clapping even when the noises were made between 3 and 5 metres away.

3) (I) The problem of translating colour words arises in two quite distinct forms. (II) The first occurs where the colour word is employed in a purely descriptive and literal sense. (III) Here the solution depends upon visualising the exact colour meant by the word in the source language and knowing the correct equivalent in the target language by which to translate it. (IV) The second case confronts the translator in the form of an entirely metaphorical use of a colour, e.g., 'black despair'. (V) Colour is, in fact, probably the most common factor employed in the formation of metaphors in all languages.

4) (I) The retina, the screen at the back of the eye on which the lens of the eye casts its image, contains two different kinds of sensitive elements. (II) One set, the rods, register shape; the other, the cones, register colour. (III) Animals that sleep at night and are active mostly during the daylight hours have a mixture of both of these in their retinas. (IV) Some species are able to see over an even wider colour spectrum than we can. (V) But colour is largely invisible at night so nocturnal creatures have eyes with retinas packed almost entirely with rods.

5) (I) The principal task of a shampoo is to clean the hair. (II) For that purpose, shampoo contains surface-active substances, so-called surfactants, that become attached to the water-insoluble dirt and fat deposits in the hair. (III) Subsequently, they are washed away again with water when the hair is rinsed and shampoo removed. (IV) Sodium laureate sulphate is what makes the shampoo foam. (V) We should, however, be careful about removing too much fat from the hair because the fatty substances also have a protective function.

6) The moment the first stars ---- is one of the most evocative milestones in the evolution of the cosmos– it marks the beginning of the age of light, the moment when the Universe ---- recognisable to us.

7) Palaeontologists ---- that small mammals ---- the extinction of dinosaurs by eating their eggs; however, currently they think the rise of mammals was an effect of the demise of dinosaurs.

8) Children learn the language ---- to them and reinforce the unique features that are characteristic of the dialect ----.

9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

9) Much research suggests that ---- its core, Alzheimer’s disease may be a metabolic disorder, an irregularity in fuel use ---- the brain, a process that loses efficiency with age.

10) Food is portrayed in a judgemental way ---- the media, and some popular diets use expensive ingredients that are not kind ---- the environment.

11) Researchers believe positive musical tones activate the brain by encouraging the release of dopamine, helping spark new ideas more than quiet, ---- experts suggest we are better at problem-solving if we work in silence.

12) ---- bacteria were discovered in the 17th century, infectious diseases were thought to be caused by sickly smells.

13) On the black market, prices of ---- thousand dollars are paid for the extremely rare hyacinth macaw, which is ---- sought after by enthusiasts.

14) Human hearing is not ---- sensitive ---- that of a bat or a dog, but human beings make a wide range of sounds.

15) ---- being the second largest oil-producing state in the US after Alaska, Texas is rich in iron ore, magnesium, uranium and other minerals.

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

In 1869, work on the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge began. The project was plagued (16)----problems, though, and it would take 14 years to complete. The driving force behind the project, John Roebling died, and then his son Washington(17)----. He had a good reputation in the construction industry like his father. (18)----, he developed a crippling illness. Bedridden but determined (19)---- , he used a telescope to keep watch over the construction of the bridge, which was finished in 1883. (20)---- the efforts of Roebling’s son, today the Brooklyn Bridge ranks as one of the greatest engineering feats of the 19th century as one of New York’s most popular and well-known landmarks.




