YÖKDİL İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Çıkmış Sorular Testi-6 1.-3. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.1. Thomas Edison’un buluşlarıyla ilgili duyuruları basın aracılığıyla yapma konusundaki istekliliği, pazarlama çabalarına destek sağlamış olsa da bilimsel şöhreti için sorunlar yaratmıştır. While Thomas Edison’s willingness to make announcements about his inventions through the press aided his marketing efforts, it created problems for his scientific reputation. Thomas Edison’s scientific reputation was damaged by his willingness to make announcements about his inventions using the press although it contributed to his marketing efforts. Thomas Edison’s marketing efforts were supported by his willingness to make announcements about his inventions through the press, but his scientific reputation was ruined by it. What caused problems for Thomas Edison’s scientific reputation was his willingness to make announcements about his inventions using the press, despite being beneficial for his marketing efforts. Thomas Edison's willingness to make announcements about his inventions using the press contributed to his marketing efforts, yet it created problems for his scientific reputation. None 2. Bir uçakta ne tür bir güç sistemi kullanılırsa kullanılsın, havacılık mühendisleri sürekli olarak uçağın aerodinamik özelliklerini geliştirecek yeni tasarımlar araştırırlar. No matter what kind of power system is used in an aircraft, aeronautical engineers constantly search for new designs that will improve the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft. Other than the power system that is used in an aircraft, aeronautical engineers constantly look for new designs to improve the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft. Aeronautical engineers always search for new designs that will improve the aerodynamic properties of an aircraft in addition to the power system used in the aircraft. Although aeronautical engineers know what kind of power system is used in an aircraft, they always search for new designs that will improve its aerodynamic properties. Rather than the power system used in an aircraft, new designs that will improve the aircraft’s aerodynamic properties are constantly searched by aeronautical engineers. None 3. Mühürlerin ıslak kil tabletlere basıldığı bir teknolojinin ilk kez Babilliler tarafından kullanılmış olduğu bilinse de matbaayı muhtemelen Çinliler icat etmiştir. It is claimed that the Chinese invented the printing, but it was the Babylonians who first used a technology in which seals were pressed into damp clay tablets. The Babylonians are known to have first developed a technology in which seals were pressed into damp clay tablets, but the Chinese probably invented the printing. It is known that the Babylonians first used a technology in which seals were pressed into damp clay tablets, but the printing was probably invented by the Chinese. Although a technology in which seals were pressed into damp clay tablets is known to have been first used by the Babylonians, the Chinese probably invented the printing. While a technology in which seals were pressed into damp clay tablets is thought to have been first developed by the Babylonians, the printing was probably invented by the Chinese. None 4.-9. sorularda, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için boş bırakılan yere getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.4. Written numbers, in the form of tallies at first, preceded any known form of written words. A major development of the period after the Agricultural Revolution was the invention of ways more complex than tallies to record numbers, leading eventually to numeration systems. ---- It is not clear how writing arose in other parts of the world, but numerals probably preceded words in eastern Asia and in the Americas as well. In Mesopotamia, the early ways of recording numbers seem to have led directly to writing. Later, something closer to true geometry also arose in both Egypt and Mesopotamia, with improvements in the ability to measure. In Mesopotamia, the base-60 system of numeration led to a mathematics capable of solving quadratic equations. Toward the end of the period, symbols used for zero as a placeholder were introduced. Systems of measurement, like numeration systems, appear to have arisen from trade needs. None 5. ---- The first farmers of northern China primarily grew millet, starting as early as 11,500 years ago. Millet is a drought-tolerant, small-seeded grain in the grass family that today is mostly grown in East Asia. According to historical records and early recipes, by the Tang dynasty, wheat had replaced millet. As a result, it actually became the region’s major crop. Unfortunately, little is known about exactly how or why this shift occurred. Apart from being versatile in cooking, wheat grows faster and has a consistently higher yield than millet once found in the staple diet. The Tang dynasty is known to have reigned between 618 and 907 CE. Although China is the world’s biggest consumer of wheat which is mainly used to produce a host of pastries, it was not always the case. Many early writers commented that wheat gruel, but not millet, was food solely consumed in times of desperation. The most likely reason that people across China started to grow wheat was its alternating optimal sowing season with millet. None 6. Tackling climate change requires cooperation on a global scale, bringing together governments, businesses and individuals. We need to gradually end our reliance on fossil fuels and use renewable energy sources and sustainable transport options.---- Nonetheless, they are not sufficient alone and proposed methods to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere have not yet been tested on a large scale. Although our efforts are beginning to pay off and carbon dioxide emissions are slowing in some parts of the world, experts agree that the transition to green energy is not happening fast enough. Environmentally friendly technologies may not be initially welcomed in some countries. If left uncontrolled, climate change will have devastating consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. The increased amount of heat caused by ongoing warming will lead to more tropical storms and cyclones. New technologies, be it super-efficient solar panels or electric cars, will play a vital role in reducing carbon dioxide emissions. We have been releasing a considerable amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to heat our homes and power our cars. None 7. ---- They include eyes, olfactory pits, chemotactile and mechanotactile sensillae on the arms, and statocysts capable of detecting direction and angle of acceleration as well as static posture. The eyes have a cornea and iris diaphragm, amovable lens, and a retina, capable of light and dark adaptation. Under totally controlled experimental conditions, octopuses can be trained to distinguish visually between pairs of geometric figures, and tactilely between textures and tastes of different surfaces. Octopuses are remarkably tough experimental animals and rapidly recover from brain lesions. The brain in an adult octopus may contain over 300 million cells. Rapid and patterned colour changes are possible in octopuses. Octopuses can swim by jet propulsion but rarely do so, except as an escape mechanism. The sense organs of octopuses are complex and efficient in discrimination. None 8. Fruit rots are the most economically important diseases of cranberries. ---- Higher temperatures during the growing season increase fungal activity and the level of disease. High moisture levels also increase disease, because spore release, spore germination, and penetration of the host plant are all dependent on the presence of adequate moisture. Bruising during harvest, sorting, or packing significantly increases the amount of postharvest fruit rot. The production rates of cranberries are increasing in European countries thanks to sustainable agricultural policies. Several factors influence the amount of fruit rot that occurs. Almost 4 years of growth and care are required before the first commercial crop is produced. Care includes the protection of cranberries from frost in spring and fall. Practices that reduce fruit rots include rapid drying of the fruit. None 9. Cave exploration is, by its nature, a potentially hazardous activity although the relative risk of an accident, and its severity, clearly vary from cave to cave. In all but the simplest of cases, rescue of an injured person from a cave poses problems that are different from those encountered on the surface. A cave is a relatively hostile environment in which to perform a rescue. ---- Hence, there is a need for specialist rescue teams who are aware of the latest rescue techniques . Many tourists are enthusiastic about visiting caves despite their potential risks. It is completely dark beyond the entrance zone and there may be other potential hazards, including water, low temperatures, and constricted passages. Throughout the world, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of rescue teams with sophisticated equipment. When a person is injured, a factor critical to successful rescue is the time taken to alert the rescue organisation. The difficulty of the cave and the depth of the accident site mean that there may be long hours between an injury and the arrival of the rescue team. None Soruda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.10. (I)There is no way to predict big earthquakes hours or days in advance, and some think it may never be possible.(II)However, some regions have early warning systems that issue alerts as soon as the first tremors are detected.(III)This gives people a few seconds or more of warning before the most dangerous shaking starts.(IV)Modern buildings are usually designed to withstand sizeable earthquakes, though many could still be left unusable. (V)For that reason, the US Geological Survey is currently developing a system called 'ShakeAlert' for all the quake-sensitive regions. I II III IV V None Bu testle ilgili yorumlarını aşağıdaki kutucuğa bırakabilirsin. Ayrıca Email adresini bizimle paylaşırsan test sonuçlarını anında gelen kutunda görebilirsin:) E-mail Time's upTime is Up!