YDT İngilizce Çıkmış Sorular Testi-3

1. - 5. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

1) To form a thunderstorm from a convective cloud, several conditions are necessary. ---- In an unstable atmosphere, the air temperature drops rapidly with height, meaning any bubble of air that begins rising and cooling will remain warmer than its surroundings. At every point in its ascent the rising air acts like a hot air balloon. Since it is warmer and less dense than the surrounding air, it continues to rise.

2) If you use a mobile phone, drive a car or watch a television, the chances are that at least one of those objects will have been made in Korea. Korea is one of Asia’s 'tiger' economies, a provider of high technology for the world. ---- However, it is not how Koreans see themselves, for Korea has always been pivotal in relations between China and Japan, and it has a long tradition of technological innovation. It was Korea, for example, that pioneered movable metal type, and it did so well before it was utilised in Europe.

3) History can be written from many different viewpoints. A 19th-century European writing shortly after the French Revolution is likely to have very different interests from a Chinese bureaucrat living in the 2nd century BCE, or a 10th-century Muslim traveller. Moreover, the interpretation of facts is always open to dispute, and historians often disagree about how one fact is linked with another.---- The perspective of chroniclers such as the French scholar Geoffrey Villehardouin on the Fourth Crusade, is very different from that of his contemporary on the opposing side, the Arab historian Ibn al-Athir.

4) How do humans and the environment affect each other? There are three key concepts to the interaction between humans and the environment: humans adapt to the environment; humans modify the environment; and humans depend on the environment. ---- For example, clearing a forest for farming produces food, but also destroys trees. Burning coal provides energy, but also pollutes the air.

5) Mixing the metals copper and tin creates bronze. Bronze, like other mixtures of metals, is called an alloy. Bronze is harder and stronger than copper. ---- For these reasons bronze is often used to make tools and machinery. Bronze is also used to make electrical hardware, springs, fasteners, and coins. Bronze has been the most popular metal for making statues and other artistic objects since ancient times.

6 - 11. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.
6) Though the paleoanthropological evidence suggests that tattooing likely emerged around 45,000 years ago, we cannot know for certain how old it is.

7) Africa has been home to many different kinds of animals, though their numbers dramatically declined in the 1900s because large areas of their habitats were taken over for farming.

8) The canals making up the city centre in Amsterdam are not only easy to get around on foot they also offer one of the most lovely walks in all of Europe.

9) Many bows and arrows were depicted in cave paintings from 30,000 BCE onward, but none of the originals has survived until today.

10) Scientists are interested not only in the actions of human beings and animals, but also in the actions of inanimate objects such as winds and waves.

11) Ancient Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods, many of whom were represented by animals, and each one of them was thought to have specific powers.

12. - 17. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

12) Çoğumuz D vitamini ihtiyacımızı karşılamak için güneş ışığına bağımlıyız ve yeterli miktarda güneş ışığı, besin takviyesi olmadan bütün ihtiyacımızı karşılayabilir.

13) Deprem sırasında çeşitli sismik dalgalar gezegenimize yayılır ve bunların hızı ve yönünü belirlemek, yer kabuğunun haritalarını yapmak ve gelecekteki depremlerin ne kadar yıkıcı olabileceğini tahmin etmek açısından gereklidir.

14) Kardeşler arasında belirli bir miktar rekabet kaçınılmaz olsa da bunun şiddetini ve çocuklar üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerini azaltmak için ebeveynlerin alabileceği bazı önlemler bulunmaktadır.

15) Felsefe, yüzyıllardır, gözlemle çözülemeyecek önemli soruların cevaplarına yaklaşmanın tek yolu olarak kabul edilmektedir.

16) Tip 1 diyabet hastalığı, vücut yanlışlıkla pankreastaki insülin hormonunu üreten hücreleri yok ettiğinde ortaya çıkar.

17) Atomlar o kadar küçüktür ki, bu cümlenin sonundaki nokta bile 20 milyon atom genişliğindedir.

18) Governments around the world, in partnership with civil society, must continue to act ---- against the tobacco epidemic – the leading global cause of preventable death.

19) The term 'Geography'formally applies to an academic discipline that ---- the study of the Earth’s surface, its inhabitants, and more recently, its environment.

20) Serotonin is responsible for maintaining appetite, sleep, and mood balance, but a deficit of it ---- depression.

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